
37 ára karl á höfuðborgarsvæðinu vill kynnast konum með stefnumót í huga.

Áhugamál: Útivera, Matur & Vín, Ferðalög, Bíómyndir

Good companionship with chat, skull and dash of flirting that could end more or less over time. Can you find something like this? Let's try it !!

Have a calm person with good humor, good friend, right vision, love to move and enjoy what nature has on offer. Not very much jammer (longer) but likes to go out, have a drink and meet people and even lose myself in dance. Do yoga swiftly and be interested in everything that concerns self and human beings. I have a very good place in my life today and I do not need another person to make me happy. If an interesting person comes into my life, I consider it a good fat bonus.

The health of soul and body, openness, self-esteem and good humor is something that reigns with the other sex.

Music: Very diverse, more rock than pop, X, Kiss FM, Bygjan, Channel 2 depends on the mood of each time.
Movies: Pulp Fiction, Shawshank Redemption, Kill Bill, LOTR, Requiem for a Dream, American Beauty, Good Will Hunting, Fargo ....

Á Einkamál.is síðan 24. september 2017
Síðast tengd/ur 28. september 2017
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